Monday, November 15, 2010

Microsoft has elected to allow users to have free antovirus sofware. A bold move by Microsoft considering their usual tactic of squeezing users for all their worth. But is it a good idea? It's very basic protection made very accessible. It's not like top notch or anything, but it's a good start. It's easy for users to get ahold of, and it doesn't have all the features of other programs.
So Trend Micro and Panda Security want to complain about it, saying that it will monopolize the security industry simply because it's by Microsoft. I believe this may be the case for some users, but others will realize the program's limitations very quickly and gladly pay for better programs.
In all, it seems like a pretty good move for the internet community as a whole. It's going to help protect the everyday user who doesn't need an expensive antivirus suite to fend off basic threats. But for other users, it simply won't be enough. Users will continue to pay for the antivirus programs they've been using for years. And new users will be able to make a choice between basic protection and something better.


  1. i agree. Give people more options and let them choose to keep an ok product or pay for a better product.

  2. I agree as well. Like I said in my blog it will be not enough protection for someone like me but will be for a beginner! Will it be a good or a bad thing in the long run though?
