Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So I get on Google Trends to see what's popular today. The results were quite unsurprising.
What's popular today? The same things that are always popular. That's right. Sports, celebrities, and TV. How does Google Trends tell us what's popular anyway? The answer to that is simple: It reads a lot. Google knows what's popular because it's a very widely used search engine and remembers what it searches for. Also it checks social networking sites, like Twitter, to see what is currently being mentioned.
Google Trends is actually pretty intelligent. The results are updated constantly, they change automatically when the trends change. Which in turn keeps us, the consumers, updated as to what's popular. It's really pretty convenient. Why does it matter what's popular, though? Why do we need to be updated constantly? I don't understand why we can't just figure out what's popular on our own instead of being told by Google. But I still think it's pretty cool that Google can keep track of all this information.

Monday, October 4, 2010

After reading the Wikipedia article about The Social Network, all I have to say is this:
500 million users and they make a movie about the guy? Even better, a movie that is inaccurate for the most part? I just don't understand. It even seems like he himself didn't approve of the movie being made about him. That's just kind of strange.
The movie seems to have a lot of action considering what it's actually about. Mark Zuckerberg himself says that he worked a lot harder than it shows in the movie. The reason for this is a guy sitting in front of a computer and coding all day would make for a very boring movie, but they should have included at least some scenes of him working in the movie.
The response to the movie is apparently really good. All the controversy leading up to the movie has made it very successful.
I will most likely be seeing the movie, as it seems very interesting.